Career Guidance Handbook This project (KA205-715B97FF) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. #UpGradMe2 follow us “The Game gives you a Purpose. The Real Game is, to Find a Purpose.” Vineet Raj Kapoor
Introduction About: 1. the project 2. the partners 3. the Career Guidance Handbook 3.1 EU Guide & toolbox 3.2 Online platforms 3.3 Projects 3.4 ON/OFF-LINE game, App & videogame 3.5 Digital media & storytelling 4. UpGrad_ME 2.0 guide to e-Learning platform 4 6 8 12 60 INDEX
4 5 It was so exciting to play, hit the ball, run around, enjoy the sun and come home late during childhood. They were happy and exciting times in our lives. Playing games is easy, fun and comes naturally to us. From running around outside to digitalactivitiesindoors,alothaschanged,though the convenience, fun and enjoyment remain the same. Games relax the mind and provide space for creativity. Bringing gamification into education is a challenge, especially when you want to benefit people with fewer opportunities, such as young migrants, newcomers, asylum seekers and refugees (MNAR). MNAR face many challenges in today’s society, especially in the host country: to integrate into a new community, develop the skills they need to sustain themselves, learn a new language and transform their lives with a career in which they are interested. Almost all MNARs have smartphones, which connect them to the world in which they live. What if a smartphone could do more than that? It is untold and unthinkable to mention how we could use a screen to empower ourselves and connect with the community and the world. 0. Introduction Because of the pandemic, many areasofour liveshavebeendigitized, andpeople nowmore than ever have more information when they need it at their fingertips. Due to the fact that the pandemic has impacted increasing levels of unemployment and weakened the labor market, people such as new migrants, new arrivals, asylum seekers and refugees (MNAR) have become more vulnerable and isolated now more than ever. Developing games with user-friendly platforms for engagingwithMNARs is an essential aspect of using gamification techniques to support them in their career orientation. Hence, enhancing their employability by guiding them through the available career pathways, showing themhow locals support them and therefore an important factor in gaining their trust and encouraging them to join in the fun of “gaming”!
6 7 Labor orientation and career counselling is especially important for migrant young people, because they arrive to new countries where sometimes they don’t have a support network, which is especially important for getting a job in the Mediterranean countries. Through career guidance, young people can discover what are their passions, skills, competences and the best professional field for them; but there are young people not motivated with the traditional ways of job orientation. To avoid a lack of motivation and encourage autonomy in the active search of employment in the job market, different research pointed out that gamification is a good way to favor the career guidance and labor orientation. The UpGrad_Me 2.0 project aims to improve the employability of migrant youth, refugees, newcomers, and asylum seekers in the European Union, through the promotion of career guidance using video games and gamification methodologies. To achieve this goal, organizations from Malta (AMAM), Cyprus (CARDET), Italy (Arciragazzi Portici) and Spain (SSF) have joined forces to carry out this new challenger. Let’s discover something more about them! 1. The project
8 9 • African Media Association Malta (AMAM) is based in Malta, is a media NGO whose aim is to bring positively Africa into the news by using all channels of communication to impart information to the immigrants living in Malta. Additionally, it aims to empower Africanmigrants through training, advocacy and life skills. Their objectives are: to utilize any media forms to broadcast news and information relating to living in Malta; to broadcast African music, cultural information; and expand to cover more African countries and languages through radio and multi language web-zine; to identify special difficulties and challenges for African migrants and bring them to the attention of Government and lobby for changes. Contact: • CARDET (Center for the Advancement of Research & Development in Educational Technology) is an independent, non-profit, non-governmental, research and development organization based in Cyprus, with partners around the world. CARDET is one of the leading institutions in the Euro-Mediterranean region for research and development. Their team strives to offer the highest quality services to benefit society. They collaborate with local and international organizations, public and private bodies, andacrossdiversedisciplines indesigning solutions for local and global challenges. Contact: 2. Partners
10 11 • SSF carries out its daily work in the cities and neighborhoods of the South of Madrid Region. This area is characterized by its cultural diversity as the population has different nationalities, different customs, gastronomic, artistic and leisure proposals. Despite all this richness, the native and migrant population suffers the effects of inequality in the region, accentuated by the high unemployment rate and the lack of professional and educational training in many key sectors. Therefore, SSFworks to ensure equal opportunities for access to quality education and decent employment for people living in the South of Madrid and, in particular, for young migrants and minorities. Contact: • Arciragazzi Portici Arciragazzi offers opportunities and access to resources to all young people (14/30 aged) including youth with few opportunities, minors in care system, youth with migrant background, LGBT young people. In the years, Arciragazzi along with Shannara has followed the youth migration flows from East Europe/Western Balkans to the South Meda/African routes.The strategy of developing youth exchanges, PBA,trainings and KA2, as well as taking part to TCA activities funded by the Erasmus + Program in the euro mediterranean area, contributed in shaping Arciragazzi as an ever moving association through the work with young people with migrant background. Contact:
12 13 Take a surf through this compilation of good practices and innovative methodologies on how to improve the career orientation of young MNAR and consequently their employability, using gamification techniques. The UpGrad_Me 2.0 Career Guidance Handbook will allowprofessionals dealingwithyoungMNAR to count with the most accurate supporting and inspiring resources in order to bring a better career orientation and improve the employability of young MNA through gamification. We have tried to discover the ones more interesting to promote so make the job oriented sessions different and stimulating. So you will find the one to work more deeper on civic and/or inclusive competences, another on language skills, music, science, computing and many more! Some addressed to young people, others to adult and some other more specific for women. We have divided them in different sections such as: - Online platform - Project - ON/OFF-LINE game, App & videogame - Digital media & story telling 3. the Career Guidance Handbook Last but not least, you will find all the Guide for using the “Upgrad_Me 2: e-Learning platform”. The guide will help you to proceed to the registration phase and then to navigate in the platform and discover our 16 Escape Rooms. 16 Escape Rooms born through a research, which has simplified the classification of professional families (NACE SYSTEM), as well as to categorize the skills and competences associated with them. This phase, has simplified the structure that is now, understandable by young migrant, newcomers, asylum seekers, and refugees. Likewise, this structure has been used to elaborate the 2nd Intellectual Output of the project: “UpGrad_Me 2.0 Gamification Experience”. Ultimately, our Escape Rooms identify the most relevant skills and competences associated with each professional family raised from the research. If you are interesting to go deeper, feel free to contact us!
14 15 3.1 EU Guide & toolbox
16 17 Toolkit for youth workers and youth organizations during the integration process of young migrants in the hosting society. Website: Country: EU members State Short description: This document was elaborated by the expert group set up under the EUwork plan for youth (2016-2018) aiming to provide, on the one hand, a practical guidance and toolbox for youth workers & youth organizations in their process of dealing with young migrants and their integration into the hosting society and, on the other hand on the other hand, to make policy recommendations to public authorities at all levels, from local to European, in order to facilitate the integration process. The group of experts identified four dimensions that need to be considered by the youth work: Young migrants in need of safety, Young migrants in uncertainty, Young migrants with a long-term perspective, 3.1 EU Guide & toolbox Hosting society. For each of these dimensions, the expert group provides concrete proposals for the youth workers, youth organizations and policymakers. For each of the dimensions found, there are different tips proposed: 1st dimension: “Young migrants in desperate need of protection”; 2nd dimension: “Young migrants in uncertainty” - period where young migrants are currently considering their final destination or overcoming legal barriers in order to begin their new life 3rd dimension: “young migrants with a longterm perspective” - period where young migrants have legal status in the host country and can start working on their future goals but they have to overcome many problems and challenges that put them in a disadvantaged situation), the document propose to encourage young migrants to take part in cultural initiatives and organize coaching sessions to help them improve personally and professionally.
18 19 4th dimension: “Hosting society” - referred to those hosting communities which are not ready to welcome migrants and xenophobia and racist attitudes appear during their integration process), the document proposes young workers to engage with people from other fields to design initiatives to assist the local community and plan activities with the aim to foster intercultural dialogues, etc. Objective: To provide a practical guidance and toolbox for youth workers who are dealing with the integration process of young migrants during the previously mentioned stages. Tackle issues such as intercultural dialogue, mutual understanding, equity for minorities and inclusion. Provides formal and non-formal learning within the different opportunities and challenges.
22 23 • #MIASSUMO Website: Country: Italy Short description: #MIASSUMO is the first orientation platform that uses gamification and from the age of 11 writes youth curriculum. It’s a compass at the service of young people, to help them grow both as individuals and as workers and to enter the world of work more easily. In fact, during the 25 hours of annual training, in which class activities, in groups or singles, the young students will be guided and helped in recognizing their skills, inclinations and preferences useful for being oriented in the future study path and to be made aware of the new existing professional figures. Objective: To explore the 8 key competences identified by the European Union from the perspective of professions so as to be able to choose with greater awareness the type of school after the eighth grade and from older ones whether to enroll in an ITS, university or directly enter the world of work. • PROMIS Website: Country: Romania, Italy, France, Poland, Lithuania, Netherlands Short description: Context: To explain howgamification can be used as a pedagogical method for digital natives to other teachers and providers of online educational courses. Explain and offers best examples and practices of gamified contents related to social inclusion made by PROMIS project partners. This project gives a better understanding on what is social inclusion; Enhance competences when interacting with marginalized groups and increases social responsibility. The target groups are teachers, private companies, online course developers however, it also involves as target groups adolescents with a migrant background, people with physical disabilities, youth with autism... Objective: To integrate up-to-date theoretical knowledge and research findings with practical case studies of social inclusion and applied research on social inclusion, in order to develop the course curriculum “Building inclusive societies by promoting social inclusion and reducing discrimination: Theories, research, and interventions” (BUILD), which will foster social, civic, and intercultural competences; To use innovative pedagogies in developing learning content to best meet the learning needs and characteristics of digital-native students by creating a gamification manual based on the gamification of the BUILD curriculum; To enable flexible and collaborative learning and the acquisition of digital competences in students and teachers through the development of the gamified online e-learning platform; To tackle discrimination and segregation issues and develop social inclusion skills through the creation and implementation of a dynamic and modular online course on the topic “Building inclusive societies: Promoting social inclusion and reducing discrimination” (eBUILD)
24 25 • Khan Academy Website: Country: USA Short description: An educational platform that provides interactive STEM education for free online. Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computing, history, art history, economics, and more, including K-14 and test preparation (SAT, Praxis, LSAT) content. We focus on skill mastery to help learners establish strong foundations, so there’s no limit to what they can learn next! Objective: To provide high quality education for everyone. • GVETS Website: Country: Cyprus, Italy, Hungary, Portugal, Lithuania, Greece Short description: As a response to the deficiencies found in the VET structures of Europe in the professional development of professionals who work with migrant children, this initiative was created. The goal of the project was to construct a training platform using ICT tools and the new pedagogical method of gamification to cover a wide variety of themes and competencies that are relevant and needed for people working with children in a migration setting. The online training which covers 7 modules in the subjects previously mentioned: migration, crisis management, child protection, social worker soft skills, guidance, critical social work and digital aspects of social work. The target groups includes professionals who work with children in migration environments with the aim of improving their ability and reinforce their role in child protection. Objective: Develop an online learning platform for the improvement of skills and competences of professionals workingwithchildreninmigrationenvironments;develop and implement a blended training and Apps under a multi-disciplinary perspective and accredited through the EQF, ECVET and EQAVET; provide innovative VET pedagogical methods, best practice guidelines, and strategies towards the use of digital tools and innovative learning environments; empower all stakeholders to use innovative ICT-based VET practices and resources in enhancing new skills for new markets; to provide contemporary methods and tools for assessment of skills acquisition, recognition and validation.
26 27 • AMW - Advancing Migrant Women Website: Country: Iceland, Greece, Italy, United Kingdom Short description: The AMW project aims to develop high quality training material and support for migrant women in order to empower them by developing their employability and entrepreneurship skills through a holistic programme based on training and mentoring which will increase their self- efficacy. This project intends to target several issues faced by migrant women simultaneously; it aims to increase their employability and entrepreneurship skills while at the same time building their confidence and soft skills enabling them to actually use their new employability and entrepreneurship skills. e-learning platform: https://www. Objective: to empower women migrants by developing their employability and entrepreneurship skills through a holistic programme based on training and mentoring which will increase their self- efficacy. • IEUME Website: Country: Portugal, Malta, Cyprus, France, Austria Short description: The creation of the IEUME Digital Gamified Platform as app allows the users to have a better understanding about how the EU works, essential democratic values, and how to exercise your rights, as well as learn more about European culture and heritage. It also gives you access to helpful tips on how to increase your employability. The target groups are migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. The project includes a variety of tools, such as an online Toolbox, an eBook and a Curriculum that enhance the access of migrants to information, at the same time it encourages authentic learning, peer support and digital literacy. In order to improve its effectiveness, the project adopts an innovative approach to learning by developing gamified features. Objective: To design and develop an inclusive, engaging, and user-friendly digital toolbox for migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers, which will comprise gamified online training courses for the European socio-cultural, political, and economic context, as well as mobile platforms/apps; To increase the number and quality of learning opportunities of migrants on EU political, social, and cultural issues; To provide education and integration specialists with the skills they need to create a learning environment that values equity, diversity, and inclusion; Promote the integration of refugees, asylum seekers, and newly arriving migrants, as well as public awareness of the European refugee issue; To encourage people to use Open Educational Resources (OER) as tools to improve access to education for people who face educational, economic, social or cultural barriers.
28 29 • MigCare Website: Country: Iceland, Greece, Italy, United Kingdom Short description: MigCare has the purpose of efficiently training the migrants through gamification processes to work in the care giving sector. MigCare serious game’s mechanisms and its methodological guides, in order to develop a course tailored to immigrants. A campaign to raise awareness amongst the target group and explain the value of receiving a training through games in social care issues for helping migrants and caregivers towards their learning. A guide to outline the practical methodologies and to support learners in getting the most out of the course and the MigCare platform. The platform has online learning content (podcasts, video, blogs) to facilitate shared learning experiences between migrants, social care sector workers across the partnership and VET trainers. Objective: The aim of the project is to train immigrants through gamification processes so that they can work in the European care giving sector and as a consequence have an easy integration into the European society. The training that will be done with games through the online MigCareAcademywill increased employability skills and will have a great short-term impact on skills levels of target groups.their employability and entrepreneurship skills through a holistic programme based on training and mentoring which will increase their self- efficacy.
30 31 3.3 PROJECTS
32 33 • ODISSEU Website: - Country: Italy, Malta, Ireland, Cyprus, Germany, Romania Short description: The project was born from the need to raise awareness about the issue of forced migration among young people, to combat online hate speech and fake news surrounding the topic. During the needs assessment, teachers clearly remarked on the need for educational materials which would address the topic and foster inclusion, whilst at the same time develop skills of critical thinking and subject-related skills. The project focused on Global Education methodologies within the formal education system and produced a number of resources which could be used in the classroom to foster skills such as critical thinking, media literacyandactivecitizenship. Theonlinegame, together with the Digital Manual and Curriculum developed as complementary tools, supports the development of a range of skills and attitudes including problem-solving, critical thinking, media literacy (recognition of hate speech/fake news online) and active citizenship. Since the primary target for the game are secondary school students, the skills developed, together with empathy and a human-rights based perspective, which can be fostered through the use of the learning materials, are relevant for the labour market and in general give a positive contribution within the society as a whole. The online game is available for free as a website game or as an app, making it accessible from different kinds of devices. The game is also available in Maltese. Objective: Develop, adapt and transfer an innovative online simulation game to increase understanding and raise awareness of refugee issues amongst secondary school students while developing life skills; Develop online education resources to support secondary school teachers toengage youngpeople in informeddiscussion about Migration and Asylum in the EU; Promote a positive interaction and active participation of asylum seekers and refugees by engaging them to participate in the local community’s life telling their stories and helpingothersunderstandtheirperspectives;Enhancing young people critical thinking and media literacy, particularly in the use of the Internet and social media, in order to develop resistance to of discrimination and indoctrination. • PIGGY BANK Website: Country: Cyprus, Czech Republic, Ireland, Spain, Sweden, Croatia, Portugal Short description: The pandemic crisis in Europe and aroundtheworld ishavinga fatal impacton theeconomy. The economic problems of countries are reflected in the lives of families and individuals. There are many families for whom the debts remain a profound and ongoing issue. In addition, rising inflation is coming. For many adults, the lack of appropriate financial literacy is at the center of these ongoing problems. If there are any lessons to be learned from the recent events in Europe, it must surely be acknowledged that financial literacy is a key literacy for all Europeans if we are to achieve the inclusive and equitable society that is one of the core EU objectives. Families cannot issue bonds or get support from the European Central Bank. When
34 35 families are caught up in dire financial circumstances, there are a limited number of options available to overcome their problems. These problems will not go away, and one of the main factors hindering the possible resolution of family debt is the lack of key financial literacy skills. The Piggy Bank project is an excellent tool for developing financial literacy skills. The project offers modern and user-friendly educational resources for all family members. Objective: to support family financial education for all members of the household, from the young kids to the parents and grandparents in order to foster a more realistic understanding of family economics. • INCLUDE HER Webpage: Countries: Germany, Greece, Portugal Short description: “The digital gender gap is most acute among migrant/refugees who, as both migrants & women face a double disadvantage that is consistently confirmed by research.” Barriers include the disruption that migration poses to their learning process, cultural gender stereotypes as to the role of women, and discrimination (conscious and unconscious) that limits access to education”. DIGITAL ROUTE MAP-interactive, online tool will present indicators of digital competences, thus helping Migrant women to identify their current level of digital competence in each of the five DigComp areas; DIGITAL DEVELOPMENT RESOURCES- focused yet flexible set of OERs which adapt existing best practice • GIG – GENDER INTEGRATION GAMIFICATION Webpage: Countries: Austria Short description: The innovative project GIG aims to use game development and gameplay (especially where it involves the use of new media) to convey curriculum content and realize developmental goals among game participants while initiating processes of skill development. This gamification tool’s thematic orientation is the integration of young male and female migrants. The emphasis here is on dealing with genderrelated topics and gender-specific understandings of roles. Alongside asking questions of the participants in the target group and encouraging their participation, this project also involves measures in which trainers (from various integration-related programs) as well as in digital skills education for use with migrant women in continuing education settings; MOOC- enable the OERS to be transferred into a state-of-the-art open access online course to allow women migrants to develop their digital skills in a friendly but effective digital environment. Objective: Increasing the digital skills of HEI managers and academic staff to implement an innovative approach to empower female migrants in higher education to attain higher levels of digital skills, with the aim to redress the gender imbalance in the digital sphere.
36 37 integration experts are interviewed on the overall topic and invited to contribute their work. Objective: design integration processes by playfully addressing gender and identity issues in guided learning contexts mediated by mobile apps using gamification approaches in such a way that men and women who are entitled to asylum and subsidiaries are entitled to protection in Austria, they can be motivated to act in an integration-oriented way and can be supported in this. Integration is not intended as assimilation to a social system, but as a form of integration in which it is possible to preserve one’s cultural identity.
40 41 • JOB LABYRINTH Website: Country: Italy, Spain, Hungary, Slovakia Short description: The Job Labyrinth project develop, using gamification methodologies, an interactive game with which the user will be able to create his/her own avatar and begin a path to acquire skills and information about the local labour market and the bodies providing services to meet his/her working needs (public/private employment services, youth centres…). In addition, through the game the beneficiary receive support to write a successful CV and create his/her personal profile. Also, a network among public and private employment centers, VET, youth centers has been created in order to reach more young people, especially the most disadvantaged ones. The target group involve young learners and job seekers from Youth Centers, Training Centers, Private Employment Agencies and PES; Educators, youth workers, trainers, operators and employees giving job counseling and employmentoriented services; Enterprises, employment agencies, employer’s associations and local and regional public offices and services; 250 significant actors through multiplier events in Spain, Italy and Slovakia. Objective: Promote equal access to education and job opportunities and develop transversal skills of young people (aged 15-29) in Europe, through an innovative approachbasedongamificationtechniques, integration, and employment services. • DAYPLOT Website: Country: Italy, Norway, Spain, Northern Ireland, UK, Austria Short description: The project started from the 2006/962/CE Recommendation of the EU Parliament and Council which emphasizes the 8 essential competences for lifelong learning. The project goal is to support disadvantaged young people and migrants who are seeking VET opportunities or employment. DayPlot is tied to three of the Program’s priorities: inclusion, digital era and key competences for VET. The project’s target audience is professionals dealing with disadvantaged young people, such as school, university, and/or labor advice practitioners, working market agencies and employment centers practitioners, and VET sector trainers and teachers. Objective: to create a Diagnostic Toolkit maps the soft skills and professional skills of young people with disadvantages using new techniques such as surveying and gamification; to develop n.5 training modules from each of the countries consisting of interactions, tutorial contents, checkpoints, selfassessment and also a feedback section.
42 43 • Y-GAME Website: Country: Latvia, Estonia, Portugal, Croatia, India, Vietnam, Argentina, USA Short description: The main objective of the project is to promote the use of digital gamification (gaming) as a new, innovative tool for the involvement of young people in the field of promoting democracy, reducing unemployment, involvingcivil society, human rights, youthentrepreneurship, environmental education, social responsibility, and active participation in youth activities. One of themain goals of the project was to conduct research and prepare informative materials – a guidelines on digital engagement for the involvement of young people “How to succeed with digital gamification for youth”, explaining what gamification is and howitcanbeusedintheyouthworksector.Aftertheresearch phase and the creation of a Handbook, a training course was implemented. The training course is about a workshop created regarding gamification for youth engagement (a transnational approbation workshop). The content created and shared was with the intent of introducing the concept of gamification providing the knowledge regarding the framework in which it was built upon (games) and showing how it connects with human psychological and emotional traits. Handbook: uploads/2013/12/GAMIENG_fullversion_web.pdf Objective: The main objective of this project is to promote digital gamification as a new, innovative tool for youth engagement on various topics, including democracy, employment, civic engagement, human rights, youth entrepreneurship, environmental education, social responsibility, and active participation in community activities among youth leaders and youth workers. While exploring the various engagement possibilities by the use of gamification tools • INGAME Website: Country: Spain, Romania, Lithuania, Greece, The Netherlands, Cyprus, Italy, Poland Short description: According to several international assessments, civic involvement among EU citizens is falling, owing to restricted access to civic education and a lack of understanding of the EU civic environment. Young people are, in general, frenetic consumers of the digital universe andmany of them are engaged gamers. Therefore, through this project it was hoped to make the young adults more active through the development of an innovative IT tool. The specific goal was to improve social and civic competency and to encourage knowledge about civic values and rights. The project educators, youth workers, and trainers will be empowered by reinforcing their sociological, socio psychological, and socio-educational knowledge and competencies, raising awareness of specific difficulties faced by disadvantaged learners and youth in general, and identifying and applying methods that most effectively increase motivation and improve educational attainment of youth. The project foster for a democratic and inclusive culture appreciated diversity and provide spaces for discourse anddiscussionon controversial issues both locally and globally, as well as actively engaging all members of the community.
44 45 Objective: Thegeneralobjectiveoftheprojectwastocreate and implement a game-based methodology as a way of informal education for the development of civic values. This project gives recommendations on how to employ online games in education; It gives tips on how to create applied games and it provides interesting youth activities such as seminars, conventions, study visits, meetings, educative manuals, etc. with the aimof increasing awareness between the different cultures, countries, traditions and promoting a higher level of comprehension. • WORKEEN Website: Country: Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, United Kingdom Short description: The project was designed due to the polarization in policy and public debates post-2014 influx of refugees, migrants and asylum applicants. In this project it wasdesignedWORKEEN, a freegameappwhosemaingoal is to make job opportunities available to refugees, migrants, and asylum seekers. The software provides free access to the European labor market, as well as counseling. The app “WORKEEN” addresses three major issues: looking for a job (e.g., how to prepare a CV, the documentation needed, where to search for a job); job interview: soft and practical skills training (e.g., workplace etiquette, arriving on time, etc.; raining practical and soft skills (e.g., organization, socialization, etc.). Provides knowledge about the labour market integration for migrants, asylum applicants Objective: To collect data on migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers, particularly women and young people, and their prospects for employment and, more broadly, social integration; To gain a better understanding of the complexities of labor market integration for post-2014 migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers, and to investigate their integration potential; To establish a theoretical framework for an inclusive integration agenda, including concrete initiatives that Member States and other European nations, aswell as theEU,maytaketoguaranteethatmigrant integration is successful. • FLIP Website: Country: not specified Short description: It’s an application that support easy and interactive learning using flashcards. FLIP delivers justin-time content about any topic and can be accessed at the moment of need to improve performance & confidence. FLIP can also be used as a great alternative to traditional web-based trainingprograms. FLIP offers the same features as traditional eLearning, including certification credentials (CPE), gamification, personalization, andanalytics. However, FLIP greatly improves the user experience by enabling learners to quickly and easily access knowledge anytime, anywhere. FLIP can seamlessly work with established learning programs, serving as the platform for pre-work, inclass engagement, and post learning reference. Objective: To provide education solutions for business and individuals
46 47 • MEMRISE Website: Country: UK Short description: “Memrise” is a gamified language learning app that utilizes a myriad of gamified techniques to teach a new language. art, math, and history. Thousands of video examples of language used in real life; practical phrases taught in courses designed by native speakers; gamified tests that train your language skills; immersive learning that makes you feel like you’re right there with the locals Objective: Provide a fun way to learn a new language • YOUSICIAN Website: Country: Finland Short description: Yousician is aGamifiededucational app to learn a new instrument. The appwill play the background music, display the song tutorial, and listen to youplay or sing to give you immediate feedback about how you’re doing. Objective: Provideanewandfunwaytolearnaninstrument. • DUOLINGO Website: Country: app translated in 24 languages Short description: A fun learning language platform that teaches different languages in a mobile friendly application. Duolingo investors’ mission is to develop the best education in the world and make it universally available. Duolingo launched in 2012 and has since become the leading mobile learningplatformglobally.Withover 500milliondownloads, their flagship app has organically become the world’s most popular way to learn languages and the top-grossing app in the Education category on both Google Play and the Apple App Store. Their global teamworks together tomake learning fun, free, and effective for anyone who wants to learn, wherever they are. Duolingo gives everyone a chance. A free language education, no hidden costs, no premium content, simply free. Objective: allow everyone access to a learning experience that is as close as possible to live teaching through technology.
48 49 • THE GAMIFICATION OF EMPLOYMENT Website: Country: Spain, Portugal, Italy, Romania Short description: “The Gamification of Employment” is a project focused on the use of board games as a tool to acquire some competences that can be used to increase the opportunities to get a new job. The main aim of this project is the transnational and intersectorial cooperation in order to develop, try and implement the innovators work methods with young people, through the board games. Thesenewmethodshave theaimto improve theyoungsters’ participation so as to identify, train and evaluate the most important generic competences towards to increase their employability and to stimulate with that their insertion into the labor market Objective: The main objective of the project is to identify, enhance and evaluate the most significant transversal skills to promoting youth employability, through the use of board games as a facilitating and integrating tool. • ESCAPE RACISM Website: Country: Italy, UK, Spain and Hungary Short description: The main aim of the project is building inclusive societies where young people will promote the respect of human rights, combating racism and discrimination and acting as multipliers for their peers. The innovation of non formal methodologies and gaming tools will facilitate the professional growth of youth workers and foster the personal development of youth, especially those ones with fewer opportunities. Objective: tobuildinclusivesocieties,topromotetherespect of human rights; combating racism and discrimination and acting as multipliers for youth peers.
52 53 • TOOLKIT- DIGITALIZATION AND INNOVATION OF YOUTH WORK METHODOLOGY FOR INCLUSION OF IMMIGRANTS Website: uploads/2021/11/DigYWincIMM-_O1_EN.pdf Country: Germany, Croatia, Sweden, Serbia Short description: Nowadays young people are engaged both with new technologies and digital media. Establishing contact with youngsters is becoming more and more complicated for youth workers who struggle in finding ways to contact and dialogue with the youngsters. The usual methodologies seemnot attract youngsters’ attention anymore. This project responds to the need of creating innovative approaches towards youngsters who spend plenty of their time online. The main aim of this project is to createatoolkitforeducationofyouthworkershowever, there is a focus on workingwith immigrants specially. This activity consists in creating a short digital media production where theyoungster canshare their everydayaspectsof their story. Nowadays social media is about showing though different apps how is your life. Digital storytelling activity pretends to teach young people about basics of digital storytelling and inspire themto share their story. This training courses can be organized offline and online. In digital narrative, design and photography are essential. Helping youngsters to become creators and designers can be very beneficial for them, as they can find a new career in digital work. This activity pretends to motivate youngsters to create infographics or to re-design a website. Objective: To empower youth workers with skills and knowledge so they can implement digital tools (to make them use online work in their everyday activities); To build competences of youth workers in escape room/adventure and Gamification methodology (online and offline); To encourage more youth workers to organize innovative and creativegamifiedactivitiesonlineandoffline;Toattractmore immigrant youngsters to join this youth work activities by multiplying the adventure rooms in the local communities and, at the same time, increasing inclusion among the youngsters. • EMYSTERIES Website: Country: Cyprus, Portugal, Denmark, Spain Short description: The eMysteries project offers a rich media mobile-device-supported interactive environment which can be utilized for educational purposes among upper secondary education students (15-18 year-olds) in order to enhance their literacy skills by actively engaging them in close reading activities. By using the interactive environment, students will have the opportunity to create their own detective stories that can be adapted to various characters and plots. The project also offers a Teacher’s Toolbox and a MOOC dedicated to enhance teacher’s capacity and professionalism on how to use the eMysteries environment and resources in their daily practices. Objectives: By the time young people in the EU leave compulsoryeducationmostofthemhave regularlymadeuse of computersandthe internet foravarietyof activities.While the most common activities of young people using mobile phones are writing through text messaging (“texting”) and reading for information search and entertainment purposes, the 2015 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) results showed that one in five pupils in theEuropean Union have insufficient proficiency in reading.
54 55 • GAME CHANGER Website:HTTPS://LOGOS.NGO/WHAT-WE-DO/GAMECHANGER/ Country: Poland, Ukraine Short description: GameChanger is agamificationproject aimed to raise awareness among young people aged between 12-30. The Game Changer project involves the use of offline Social City Games and online RPG (role-playing games), which will promote tolerance, civic engagement, diversity and inclusion through gamification. The offline Social City Games are located in Poznan- Poland and in Bila Tserkva-Ukraine. Online games: “Out of the box” is an online negotiation game that shows polarization mechanisms, which effectively is one of the biggest factors in the radicalization process. “After The Fall” is an online game that takes place in the world after huge catastrophe. It aims to show the importance of cooperation for common good. Offline games: “After the Fall” is a team-based tactical game that aims players to role-play in order to facilitate discussion surrounding the topic of environmental change andactivism. “Uncharted” isateam-basedexplorationgame that utilizes role playing to focus on the problem of hate speech and negative views towards people with different backgrounds, beliefs, culture, etc. that often results in the development of polar and extreme ideology. Objectives: to raise awareness among young people aged between 12-30 and to promote tolerance, civic engagement, diversity and inclusion
56 57 4. Upgrad_Me 2.0
58 59 Guide for using the Upgrad_Me2: eLearning platform Explore the content This project (KA205-715B97FF) has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
60 61 • REGISTRATION PROCESS STEP 1: Enter the eLearning platform Please enter the website by copying the following LINK: HTTPS://ELEARNING.UPGRADME.EU/ STEP 2: Create an account In order to enter the platform you should create a new account. STEP 3: Complete your personal information Please complete your personal information and press “Register”. In order to confirm your account you should check your email (check also your spam folder) and click on the verification link to activate your account. STEP 4: Fill in your Login details Once you confirm your email address, visit HTTPS://ELEARNING.UPGRADME.EU/ and fill in your log in credentials to enter the platform. • NAVIGATE IN THE PLATFORM When entering the platform you can choose your national languagebyusingthe languageswitcheronthenavigation bar. EXPERIENCING THE PLATFORM Login -> Scroll down the home page -> Click on the Self Assessment Evaluation
62 63 Take the self assessment to see which escape rooms are proposed for you to complete according to your skills. Once you complete the assessment a table click on the proposed escape rooms tab. After clicking on the proposed escape rooms tab you will have a personalised table that suggest the level of the escape room NOTE: YOU ALSO HAVE THE CHOICE TO CHOOSE WHICH ESCAPE ROOMS TO TRY BY CLICKING ON THE “ALL ESCAPE ROOMS” TAB. • PROFESSIONAL SKILLS AND FAMILIES The European Commission has referred to the term ‘competence’ as a ‘combination of knowledge, skills and attitudes appropriate to the context’. At the same time, ‘key competences’ are those that everyone needs for personal fulfillment and development, active citizenship, social inclusion and employment. The European Union Recommendation 22nd of May, 2018 identifies 8 basic skills (Key Competences): functional literacy; multilingual competence; mathematical competence; and competence in science, technology and engineering; digital competence; personal, social and learning-to-learn competence; citizenship competence; entrepreneurial competence; competence in cultural awareness and expression. From a practical point of view, those dealing with competences have to face the problem of formalizing repertoires (or families) of competences, and of defining
64 65 acquired and recognized competences, competence being understood as a structured set of: Knowledge generally refers to the sphere of theoretical competences, almost always deriving from the study pathway followed by the subject, either at school or at personal level. Technical-professional skills (knowing how todo)generallyrefer toskillsacquired“bydoing”(directly on the job or during training courses); in any case, they correspond to a practical ability to do. They are therefore skills that are developed in the course of practical activities and have a strong practical and applicative value. They are generally aimed at producing a result. Transversal skills (knowing how to be), on the other hand, refer to the sphere of the individual’s personality and his/ herinterpersonalskills.Theyarefundamentalcompetences in particular for those jobs involving communication and collaboration within work groups. In fact, they refer to attitudes, motivations, representations, dispositions of the subject which facilitate or not his/her involvement in a workprocess that foresees the simultaneous or successive intervention of several operators at various levels. • USER BACKPACK Aftercompletingtheadvancedlevelofanescaperoomthe user will be able to see which skills they have developed. In addition the platform will show which professional families are relevant to those skills.
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