34 35 families are caught up in dire financial circumstances, there are a limited number of options available to overcome their problems. These problems will not go away, and one of the main factors hindering the possible resolution of family debt is the lack of key financial literacy skills. The Piggy Bank project is an excellent tool for developing financial literacy skills. The project offers modern and user-friendly educational resources for all family members. Objective: to support family financial education for all members of the household, from the young kids to the parents and grandparents in order to foster a more realistic understanding of family economics. • INCLUDE HER Webpage: https://www.includeher.eu/ Countries: Germany, Greece, Portugal Short description: “The digital gender gap is most acute among migrant/refugees who, as both migrants & women face a double disadvantage that is consistently confirmed by research.” Barriers include the disruption that migration poses to their learning process, cultural gender stereotypes as to the role of women, and discrimination (conscious and unconscious) that limits access to education”. DIGITAL ROUTE MAP-interactive, online tool will present indicators of digital competences, thus helping Migrant women to identify their current level of digital competence in each of the five DigComp areas; DIGITAL DEVELOPMENT RESOURCES- focused yet flexible set of OERs which adapt existing best practice • GIG – GENDER INTEGRATION GAMIFICATION Webpage: https://gigprojekt.at/ Countries: Austria Short description: The innovative project GIG aims to use game development and gameplay (especially where it involves the use of new media) to convey curriculum content and realize developmental goals among game participants while initiating processes of skill development. This gamification tool’s thematic orientation is the integration of young male and female migrants. The emphasis here is on dealing with genderrelated topics and gender-specific understandings of roles. Alongside asking questions of the participants in the target group and encouraging their participation, this project also involves measures in which trainers (from various integration-related programs) as well as in digital skills education for use with migrant women in continuing education settings; MOOC- enable the OERS to be transferred into a state-of-the-art open access online course to allow women migrants to develop their digital skills in a friendly but effective digital environment. Objective: Increasing the digital skills of HEI managers and academic staff to implement an innovative approach to empower female migrants in higher education to attain higher levels of digital skills, with the aim to redress the gender imbalance in the digital sphere.