48 49 • THE GAMIFICATION OF EMPLOYMENT Website:https://www.gamificationofemployment.eu/ Country: Spain, Portugal, Italy, Romania Short description: “The Gamification of Employment” is a project focused on the use of board games as a tool to acquire some competences that can be used to increase the opportunities to get a new job. The main aim of this project is the transnational and intersectorial cooperation in order to develop, try and implement the innovators work methods with young people, through the board games. Thesenewmethodshave theaimto improve theyoungsters’ participation so as to identify, train and evaluate the most important generic competences towards to increase their employability and to stimulate with that their insertion into the labor market Objective: The main objective of the project is to identify, enhance and evaluate the most significant transversal skills to promoting youth employability, through the use of board games as a facilitating and integrating tool. • ESCAPE RACISM Website: https://www.escaperacism.infoproject.eu/ Country: Italy, UK, Spain and Hungary Short description: The main aim of the project is building inclusive societies where young people will promote the respect of human rights, combating racism and discrimination and acting as multipliers for their peers. The innovation of non formal methodologies and gaming tools will facilitate the professional growth of youth workers and foster the personal development of youth, especially those ones with fewer opportunities. Objective: tobuildinclusivesocieties,topromotetherespect of human rights; combating racism and discrimination and acting as multipliers for youth peers.