
IO1: UpGrad_Me 2.0 Research

The final report will focus to discover the different skills and competencies that can improve career and job counselling by professionals and be easily understood by young Migrants, Newcomers, Asylum seekers and Refugees (MNAR)

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IO2: UpGrad_Me 2.0 Gamification Experience

An online “Escape Room” that will help young MNAR to attain a deeper understanding of their skills and competencies and to identify vocations and professional fields they might be interested in pursuing employment in.

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IO3: UpGrad_Me 2.0 Career Guidance Handbook

A career guidance handbook featuring a compilation of good practices and innovative methodologies to help practitioners working with young MMARs to utilize gamification techniques to support them in their career orientation and consequently boost their employability.

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IO1: UpGrad_Me 2.0 Research

The final report will focus to discover the different skills and competencies that can improve career and job counselling by professionals and be easily understood by young Migrants, Newcomers, Asylum seekers and Refugees (MNAR)

Read the Report

IO2: UpGrad_Me 2.0 Gamification Experience

An online “Escape Room” that will help young MNAR to attain a deeper understanding of their skills and competencies and to identify vocations and professional fields they might be interested in pursuing employment in.

IO3: UpGrad_Me 2.0 Career Guidance Handbook

A career guidance handbook featuring a compilation of good practices and innovative methodologies to help practitioners working with young MMARs to utilize gamification techniques to support them in their career orientation and consequently boost their employability.