64 65 acquired and recognized competences, competence being understood as a structured set of: Knowledge generally refers to the sphere of theoretical competences, almost always deriving from the study pathway followed by the subject, either at school or at personal level. Technical-professional skills (knowing how todo)generallyrefer toskillsacquired“bydoing”(directly on the job or during training courses); in any case, they correspond to a practical ability to do. They are therefore skills that are developed in the course of practical activities and have a strong practical and applicative value. They are generally aimed at producing a result. Transversal skills (knowing how to be), on the other hand, refer to the sphere of the individual’s personality and his/ herinterpersonalskills.Theyarefundamentalcompetences in particular for those jobs involving communication and collaboration within work groups. In fact, they refer to attitudes, motivations, representations, dispositions of the subject which facilitate or not his/her involvement in a workprocess that foresees the simultaneous or successive intervention of several operators at various levels. • USER BACKPACK Aftercompletingtheadvancedlevelofanescaperoomthe user will be able to see which skills they have developed. In addition the platform will show which professional families are relevant to those skills.