52 53 • TOOLKIT- DIGITALIZATION AND INNOVATION OF YOUTH WORK METHODOLOGY FOR INCLUSION OF IMMIGRANTS Website:https://learning-wizard.com/wp-content/ uploads/2021/11/DigYWincIMM-_O1_EN.pdf Country: Germany, Croatia, Sweden, Serbia Short description: Nowadays young people are engaged both with new technologies and digital media. Establishing contact with youngsters is becoming more and more complicated for youth workers who struggle in finding ways to contact and dialogue with the youngsters. The usual methodologies seemnot attract youngsters’ attention anymore. This project responds to the need of creating innovative approaches towards youngsters who spend plenty of their time online. The main aim of this project is to createatoolkitforeducationofyouthworkershowever, there is a focus on workingwith immigrants specially. This activity consists in creating a short digital media production where theyoungster canshare their everydayaspectsof their story. Nowadays social media is about showing though different apps how is your life. Digital storytelling activity pretends to teach young people about basics of digital storytelling and inspire themto share their story. This training courses can be organized offline and online. In digital narrative, design and photography are essential. Helping youngsters to become creators and designers can be very beneficial for them, as they can find a new career in digital work. This activity pretends to motivate youngsters to create infographics or to re-design a website. Objective: To empower youth workers with skills and knowledge so they can implement digital tools (to make them use online work in their everyday activities); To build competences of youth workers in escape room/adventure and Gamification methodology (online and offline); To encourage more youth workers to organize innovative and creativegamifiedactivitiesonlineandoffline;Toattractmore immigrant youngsters to join this youth work activities by multiplying the adventure rooms in the local communities and, at the same time, increasing inclusion among the youngsters. • EMYSTERIES Website: https://www.emysteries.eu/el/ Country: Cyprus, Portugal, Denmark, Spain Short description: The eMysteries project offers a rich media mobile-device-supported interactive environment which can be utilized for educational purposes among upper secondary education students (15-18 year-olds) in order to enhance their literacy skills by actively engaging them in close reading activities. By using the interactive environment, students will have the opportunity to create their own detective stories that can be adapted to various characters and plots. The project also offers a Teacher’s Toolbox and a MOOC dedicated to enhance teacher’s capacity and professionalism on how to use the eMysteries environment and resources in their daily practices. Objectives: By the time young people in the EU leave compulsoryeducationmostofthemhave regularlymadeuse of computersandthe internet foravarietyof activities.While the most common activities of young people using mobile phones are writing through text messaging (“texting”) and reading for information search and entertainment purposes, the 2015 Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) results showed that one in five pupils in theEuropean Union have insufficient proficiency in reading.