44 45 Objective: Thegeneralobjectiveoftheprojectwastocreate and implement a game-based methodology as a way of informal education for the development of civic values. This project gives recommendations on how to employ online games in education; It gives tips on how to create applied games and it provides interesting youth activities such as seminars, conventions, study visits, meetings, educative manuals, etc. with the aimof increasing awareness between the different cultures, countries, traditions and promoting a higher level of comprehension. • WORKEEN Website: https://www.sirius-project.eu/node/1 Country: Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Italy, Switzerland, United Kingdom Short description: The project was designed due to the polarization in policy and public debates post-2014 influx of refugees, migrants and asylum applicants. In this project it wasdesignedWORKEEN, a freegameappwhosemaingoal is to make job opportunities available to refugees, migrants, and asylum seekers. The software provides free access to the European labor market, as well as counseling. The app “WORKEEN” addresses three major issues: looking for a job (e.g., how to prepare a CV, the documentation needed, where to search for a job); job interview: soft and practical skills training (e.g., workplace etiquette, arriving on time, etc.; raining practical and soft skills (e.g., organization, socialization, etc.). Provides knowledge about the labour market integration for migrants, asylum applicants Objective: To collect data on migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers, particularly women and young people, and their prospects for employment and, more broadly, social integration; To gain a better understanding of the complexities of labor market integration for post-2014 migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers, and to investigate their integration potential; To establish a theoretical framework for an inclusive integration agenda, including concrete initiatives that Member States and other European nations, aswell as theEU,maytaketoguaranteethatmigrant integration is successful. • FLIP Website: https://www.flip.training/ Country: not specified Short description: It’s an application that support easy and interactive learning using flashcards. FLIP delivers justin-time content about any topic and can be accessed at the moment of need to improve performance & confidence. FLIP can also be used as a great alternative to traditional web-based trainingprograms. FLIP offers the same features as traditional eLearning, including certification credentials (CPE), gamification, personalization, andanalytics. However, FLIP greatly improves the user experience by enabling learners to quickly and easily access knowledge anytime, anywhere. FLIP can seamlessly work with established learning programs, serving as the platform for pre-work, inclass engagement, and post learning reference. Objective: To provide education solutions for business and individuals