42 43 • Y-GAME Website:http://socialinnovation.lv/en/handbookhow-to-succeed-with-digital-gamification-for-youth/ Country: Latvia, Estonia, Portugal, Croatia, India, Vietnam, Argentina, USA Short description: The main objective of the project is to promote the use of digital gamification (gaming) as a new, innovative tool for the involvement of young people in the field of promoting democracy, reducing unemployment, involvingcivil society, human rights, youthentrepreneurship, environmental education, social responsibility, and active participation in youth activities. One of themain goals of the project was to conduct research and prepare informative materials – a guidelines on digital engagement for the involvement of young people “How to succeed with digital gamification for youth”, explaining what gamification is and howitcanbeusedintheyouthworksector.Aftertheresearch phase and the creation of a Handbook, a training course was implemented. The training course is about a workshop created regarding gamification for youth engagement (a transnational approbation workshop). The content created and shared was with the intent of introducing the concept of gamification providing the knowledge regarding the framework in which it was built upon (games) and showing how it connects with human psychological and emotional traits. Handbook:http://socialinnovation.lv/wp-content/ uploads/2013/12/GAMIENG_fullversion_web.pdf Objective: The main objective of this project is to promote digital gamification as a new, innovative tool for youth engagement on various topics, including democracy, employment, civic engagement, human rights, youth entrepreneurship, environmental education, social responsibility, and active participation in community activities among youth leaders and youth workers. While exploring the various engagement possibilities by the use of gamification tools • INGAME Website: https://ingame.erasmus.site/ Country: Spain, Romania, Lithuania, Greece, The Netherlands, Cyprus, Italy, Poland Short description: According to several international assessments, civic involvement among EU citizens is falling, owing to restricted access to civic education and a lack of understanding of the EU civic environment. Young people are, in general, frenetic consumers of the digital universe andmany of them are engaged gamers. Therefore, through this project it was hoped to make the young adults more active through the development of an innovative IT tool. The specific goal was to improve social and civic competency and to encourage knowledge about civic values and rights. The project educators, youth workers, and trainers will be empowered by reinforcing their sociological, socio psychological, and socio-educational knowledge and competencies, raising awareness of specific difficulties faced by disadvantaged learners and youth in general, and identifying and applying methods that most effectively increase motivation and improve educational attainment of youth. The project foster for a democratic and inclusive culture appreciated diversity and provide spaces for discourse anddiscussionon controversial issues both locally and globally, as well as actively engaging all members of the community.