40 41 • JOB LABYRINTH Website: http://joblab.cnos-fap.it/gamevideo.mp4 Country: Italy, Spain, Hungary, Slovakia Short description: The Job Labyrinth project develop, using gamification methodologies, an interactive game with which the user will be able to create his/her own avatar and begin a path to acquire skills and information about the local labour market and the bodies providing services to meet his/her working needs (public/private employment services, youth centres…). In addition, through the game the beneficiary receive support to write a successful CV and create his/her personal profile. Also, a network among public and private employment centers, VET, youth centers has been created in order to reach more young people, especially the most disadvantaged ones. The target group involve young learners and job seekers from Youth Centers, Training Centers, Private Employment Agencies and PES; Educators, youth workers, trainers, operators and employees giving job counseling and employmentoriented services; Enterprises, employment agencies, employer’s associations and local and regional public offices and services; 250 significant actors through multiplier events in Spain, Italy and Slovakia. Objective: Promote equal access to education and job opportunities and develop transversal skills of young people (aged 15-29) in Europe, through an innovative approachbasedongamificationtechniques, integration, and employment services. • DAYPLOT Website: https://www.day-plot.eu Country: Italy, Norway, Spain, Northern Ireland, UK, Austria Short description: The project started from the 2006/962/CE Recommendation of the EU Parliament and Council which emphasizes the 8 essential competences for lifelong learning. The project goal is to support disadvantaged young people and migrants who are seeking VET opportunities or employment. DayPlot is tied to three of the Program’s priorities: inclusion, digital era and key competences for VET. The project’s target audience is professionals dealing with disadvantaged young people, such as school, university, and/or labor advice practitioners, working market agencies and employment centers practitioners, and VET sector trainers and teachers. Objective: to create a Diagnostic Toolkit maps the soft skills and professional skills of young people with disadvantages using new techniques such as surveying and gamification; to develop n.5 training modules from each of the countries consisting of interactions, tutorial contents, checkpoints, selfassessment and also a feedback section.