26 27 • AMW - Advancing Migrant Women Website:https://www.advancingmigrantwomen.com/ Country: Iceland, Greece, Italy, United Kingdom Short description: The AMW project aims to develop high quality training material and support for migrant women in order to empower them by developing their employability and entrepreneurship skills through a holistic programme based on training and mentoring which will increase their self- efficacy. This project intends to target several issues faced by migrant women simultaneously; it aims to increase their employability and entrepreneurship skills while at the same time building their confidence and soft skills enabling them to actually use their new employability and entrepreneurship skills. e-learning platform: https://www. advancingmigrantwomen.com/e-learning-platform Objective: to empower women migrants by developing their employability and entrepreneurship skills through a holistic programme based on training and mentoring which will increase their self- efficacy. • IEUME Website: https://www.ieume.com/en/ Country: Portugal, Malta, Cyprus, France, Austria Short description: The creation of the IEUME Digital Gamified Platform as app allows the users to have a better understanding about how the EU works, essential democratic values, and how to exercise your rights, as well as learn more about European culture and heritage. It also gives you access to helpful tips on how to increase your employability. The target groups are migrants, refugees and asylum seekers. The project includes a variety of tools, such as an online Toolbox, an eBook and a Curriculum that enhance the access of migrants to information, at the same time it encourages authentic learning, peer support and digital literacy. In order to improve its effectiveness, the project adopts an innovative approach to learning by developing gamified features. Objective: To design and develop an inclusive, engaging, and user-friendly digital toolbox for migrants, refugees, and asylum seekers, which will comprise gamified online training courses for the European socio-cultural, political, and economic context, as well as mobile platforms/apps; To increase the number and quality of learning opportunities of migrants on EU political, social, and cultural issues; To provide education and integration specialists with the skills they need to create a learning environment that values equity, diversity, and inclusion; Promote the integration of refugees, asylum seekers, and newly arriving migrants, as well as public awareness of the European refugee issue; To encourage people to use Open Educational Resources (OER) as tools to improve access to education for people who face educational, economic, social or cultural barriers.