UpGrad_Me 2.0_Research_FV_EN

2 1. INTRODUCTION The UpGrad_Me 2.0 project aims to improve the employability of migrant youth, refugees, newcomers, and asylum seekers in the European Union, through the promotion of career guidance using video games and gamification methodologies. To achieve this goal, organisations from Malta (AMAM), Cyprus (CARDET), Italy (Arciragazzi Portici) and Spain (SSF) have joined forces to carry out different activities. Among these activities, the present research is framed in the first Intellectual Output of the project: "UpGrad_Me 2.0 Research". Through this research, the partnership aim is to discover the main skills and competences associated with the different professional families that can be found in the European labour market. The final objective is to elaborate a simplified classification of professional families, as well as to categorise the skills and competences associated with them, to have a simplified structure that is understandable by young migrant, newcomers, asylum seekers, and refugees. Likewise, this structure will be used to elaborate the next Intellectual Output of the project: "UpGrad_Me 2.0 Gamification Experience". Ultimately, the aim of this research was to identify the most relevant skills and competences associated with each professional family. In order to achieve these objectives, the consortium had to deal with different conceptual difficulties which are explained below. Firstly, “what classification should be used to differentiate the occupational families?”, “what classifications currently exist?” , and “ what are the benefits and limitations of making thes e classifications?” On the other hand, “which competences and skills can be considered as relevant when discriminating between occupational families?” , “how to ensure that the results can be transferred to all the countries belonging to the European Union and thus guarantee the transferability of knowledge?” Regarding the firsts questions raised, the consortium decided tomake use of the NACE system of classification of economic activities, which