UpGrad_Me 2.0_Research_FV_EN
21 8. TECHNICAL AND SCIENTIFIC The “Technical and scientific” professional family was defined as follows: “ This category includes all those activities related to research, consulting, legal and accounting activities; as well as veterinary activities. This category includes the following activities: Legal and accounting activities, Activities of head office, management consultancy activities, Architectural and engineering activities; technical testing, Scientific research and development, Advertising and market research, Other professional, scientific and technical act ivities, IT experts”. The following professional competences, skills and characteristics were most frequently selected by the participants as being associated with “Technical and scientific” professional family”: Strategic Thinking (83. 5%), “Problem solving” (83 . 5%), “Critical thinking” (82 .4%), “Planning” (77 . 6%), “Organization” (76 . 5%), “Analysis capacity” (72 . 9%), “IT Skills” (70 .6%), “Continuous learning” (70 . 6%), “Teamworking” (69 . 4%), “Technical capacity” (68 . 2%), “numerical analysis” (64 .7%). On the other hand, the following competences, skills and characteristics were voted to a lesser extent as being associated with this vocational family: “Kinetical skills”(22 . 4%), “Delegation” (23. 5%), “Empathy” (32 . 9%), “Commitment to institutional values” (34 .1 %), “Commitment” (37. 6%), “Organisational awareness” (38 . 8%), “Self - control and emotional stability” (38 .8%), “Active listening ” (38 . 8%), “Negotiation abilities” (41 . 2%), “Client/user oriented” (42 .4%). 9. OFFICE WORK The “Office work” professional family was defined as follows: “ Office work refers to all labour and economic activities that can be performed in an office context, excluding those activities included in the category of "sales and communication", as well as the activities in cluded in the “Technical and scientific activities”. This category includes the following activities: Financial services: Bank and insurance, Clerical support workers, Public employees: administration, defense and social security, International organizatio ns, Human Resources Technicians”. The following professional competences, skills and characteristics were most frequently selected by the participants as being associated with “Office work” professional family: “Teamworking” (88,2%), “Problem solving” (84 . 7%), “Written communication” (80%), “Organisation” (78 .8%), “Planning” (74 . 1%), “Negotiation abilities” (71 . 8%), “Interpersonal Communication” (71 .8%), “Social skills” (71 . 8%), “Result oriented” (69 . 4%), “IT Skills” (67 .1%). On the other hand, the following competences, skills and characteristics were voted to a lesser extent as being associated with this vocational family: “Kinetical skills” (16 . 5%), “Creativity” (32. 9%), “Pro - activity” (34 . 1%), “Delegation” (40%), “Resistance to adversity” (42 .4%), “Influence” (43 . 5%), “Commitment” (44 . 7%), “Numerical analysis ” (45 . 9%), “Openness and cognitive adaptation” (48 . 2%), “Active listening” (48 .2%).
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